Thursday, January 8, 2009

What should I do.

Hmmm, I'm trying to think what I should do in my current situation. Michelle talked to me today, and i feel like she finally opened up to me a little bit. Her life at home is pretty strict seeing as her dad doesn't let her go out late at night, and nor does she get to drive her car to many places. Her dad paid some money to get surgery on their dog, and bought a nice ring for his girlfriend. Michelle's car is in crappy shape from what she's said, the engine is in bad condition, when it hits 65 it starts losing stability, and the power steering is leaking. For some reason he won't put up any money to help fix her car, or help her in giving her her cousin's email / phone number.

My words get pretty jumbled up when i talk to her, and i'm not that witty or funny when i do talk to her either. But she definitely does not want any type of relationship at all right now, but i don't know how she feels about a hook up buddy. Maybe she'd want that, and maybe she wouldn't, but it would be awesome if she chose me as that hook up buddy if she did indeed want one. I think, physically she's got a great body. Her face is.. semi cute, overall i give her a 6. Her stomach is very tight, she's small, has decently sized breasts, but her neck is weird. The neck is a little short, and her left eye is a little smaller than the right. I could look past these things seeing as how her body is in amazing shape. I think i'm going to keep talking to her, to see what she really wants and then just finally ask her if she wants to fuck when / if i know it's right. I don't really mind losing my virginity to her because i think she's a cool girl. Definitely not girlfriend material, but cool enough for me to respect her at least. I do care about who i lose my virginity to, and i don't want it to be a one night stand. But it's not so big as to she has to be the right one, or wait til marriage. I'm not religious at all, and i actually despise most religion.

Today has been pretty boring, and this is the last week of my winter break, also the last week of my work schedule. Hopefully it will change and i can get one weekend off to do some partying / hanging out. Or maybe i can finally meet a girl at school and build up enough courage to ask her out and get denied. Tomorrow, ergh, rather today, i start work at LAX because i might be working there a few days out of the week. I might pursue this job as my career and get Cisco Certified and all of that mumbo jumbo, because it fits me. I like sitting on my ass all day working with computer type stuff. Now i do not have a "passion" or "love" for this stuff, but it's better than working my ass off for minimum wage. If i can make 100,000 - 300,000 a year, i will be a happy mother fucker, and if i get older, make even more than that if i play my cards right i can provide for not only myself, but my future family. Now i think i have my head screwed on tight, and i really am looking somewhat into my future. Right now i spend my money on my car payments, food, and extra parts for my car. But hopefully once i'm done fixing up my car, i can start saving money to move out and buy a condo.

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