Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Boring night.

So today was an epic fail and i decided to go hang out with Kevin tonight. I called up Greg but he was at the driving range so i went without. The girl, we'll name her.. Anna came home and said hi on aim just as i was about to walk out the door. I told her what was on my mind and what happened and i really didn't get anything out of it. She didn't tell me how she really felt, and she didn't seem "excited" that i actually tried to meet her. I guess this just isn't ment to be and i should just move on. I believe i will try to join my brother's frat to meet some new people and live life a little bit. I don't get out much, and i don't socialize much so maybe this frat thing will do me some good. I am in desperate need of change in my life seeing as how i work almost full time, go to school full time, and never have free time for myself and or dating.

So we drove to Kevin's abandoned dorm room and watched some south park, smoked some hookah, talked a bit. Anyways, i brought up the drive to San Jose with Kevin, and he said he'd be down. But i don't think he really wants to go, especially anytime soon. I mean.. it makes sense, why would he want to drive down if he's only going to hang out with some dudes and a few chicks. I mostly want to go to find out if this girl is actually worth my trouble and time. I guess i will just leave it at that, not try anymore because it's just not worth the effort she doesn't even really give a damn. Ah.. as usual i try so hard, but yet fall and eat shit even harder. I should probably try to learn from this lesson and stop getting attached to girls so easily, stupid me.

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