Monday, December 29, 2008


So today, meaning Monday... I should've been well on my way to San Jose now. But instead I'm sitting at home creating a blog in which i intend to pour out my rediculously stupid heart out onto. I have a journal, but i don't feel like writing and this is much easier, faster, and i can actually read this. Well then.. where should we start? I met her about a year an a half ago and never really had an interest in her. Thought she was cute but had a rather crappy attitude in my opinion. I kept talking to her and got closer and closer, and i found out she's probably one of the coolest people i know. She's not... unique in the way she thinks or anything, it's just the way she acts. I have never really met a girl like her, well nor have i met this young lady either. Just recently about a few months ago i started to actually realize, "Hey, i like this girl." And that was a terrible decision on my end falling for someone who lives a good 6-8 hours away from me. I don't know how or why i would fall for someone that far away and someone that really i don't think is right for me, but i did. So i've known her for a while and we've never met, and i'm pretty sure she'd like to meet me, likewise on my end. During christmas time, about a week or two ago she should've been down here in LA but instead she went to Hawaii for christmas. Her parents are split up and she went to her fathers side instead, which devestated me. I was so happy and excited to finally meet her after talking to her for almost 2 years. Now mind you, i'm not into long distance relationships because they don't work at all, and i almost do not know what this girl looks like. Every picture i've ever seen of her have been angled so oddly that half of her face is always not in the picture or she's turned to the side. Looks have no matter to me to be honest because i love her personality so much. So back to her being in hawaii. After i heard news of her coming to LA i immediately went to the mall and bought her a nice cute coat / peacoat [is that how you spell it?] from H&M one of her favorite stores. I was so excited i had it all planned out, i was going to give her some coal and say merry christmas, then make her look under my car seat to find a present awaiting. But this of course did not happen. So after she said she was going to hawaii instead, i decided my plan of attack would be to just send the gift to her via FedEx. I thought about that for a week or two and decided that i would just drive up there and give it to her personally. Surprise her, you know? I got her address and was ready to drive there when i asked my dad if i could drive up there he asked "Alone?" and i replied with a "No, my friend is coming" So he agreed to it. There was no "friend" coming with me. So i was definitely set on going and by saturday i had printed out the directions, made plans with some friends that live near her, and was going to be on my way by about 12:00am - 2:00am Monday morning and arrive around 10:00am - 12:00pm depending on my stops and such. But while i was at work, my dad just happened to stop by my friends house to drop off late christmas presents. And of course he starts talking to the parents and they never even heard of their son thinking of going to San Jose. Automatically i figured, oh i'm so screwed there's no way i'm going now. Mainly because i could only go if my friend drove part of the way so we could switch off and on driving, 6-8 hours driving is a long time. But i was set on doing it alone even without a friend, i know it sounds so lame and desperate but i really do somehow like this girl that much. So i decide to call another friend up and see if he can go or even wants to go with me. I wake him up from his nap and he says "Okay, i'll ask my parents." I knew for sure that he wasn't thinking right because 6 hours.. plus he's going to be a third wheel, on top of that the friends i'm meeting with don't even know him, awkward? So he calls me back and tries to talk me out of it, but i refuse to step down. The whole time i'm thinking in the back of my head all of the Cons he listed, and to be honest they greatly outwieghed the Pros of the situation. So i think about it good long and hard, that's what she said. And i decide i'll figure out if i'm going or not depending on what my dad will say when i get home. Ding, it's 12:00am and i'm off of work and i'm driving home. My friend calls me up and asks if i would like to hang out with them and i reply with "I'll see, i'm going home right now to change, let me call you when i get home." I arrive at home and my father is asleep and has said nothing about San Jose to my little sister. I step into my room and find a note on the desk saying.. "Since your friend isn't going with you, there is no way that you are driving to San Jose by yourself. Also, you are going to meet someone that you met on the internet is a little bit weird. Please wake me up when you get home if you want to talk about it. We love you and we don't want anything bad to happen to you. Thanks, love Everyone." Everyone of course is just my father but i guess on behalf of the family he's taking place of everyone. So i figure out how against this my dad is and i instantly think "Oh wow, i'm never ever going to meet her am i.." And i decide to give up on it all together, send her her present and forget about it.

So instead of leaving for San Jose, i leave for Newport Beach where one of my friends home from college lives, and the other friends of mine are meeting up at. I arrive at the destination, good ole' Del Taco and greet all of my friends. The two whom i mentioned previously, firstly the one who i said was coming with me to San Jose, lets call him.. Kevin. The second whom i called to see if he would like to come with me, lets call him.. Greg. Are both there and i say hi, and let them know that i'm definitely not going to San Jose. Greg is relieved because he is the one who was against it and tried to talk me out of it. Kevin knows a little more about the situation and doesn't really say much -He's higher than a kite. I meet three other friends who are already seated with Greg and Kevin, lets call them.. Brandon, Frank, and Wesley. Brandon and Kevin are stoned out of their minds, i can tell. The first thing i notice about them both is their blood shot eyes half open, and some cheese hanging from Brandon's lip. They both look like they're retarded and from another world, i laugh at them. After leaving Del Taco, our plan was to decorate the town with some white christmas spirit. We arrived at the CVS and bought 54 rolls of toilet paper. We drive around a bit and scope out the town, do a few houses and somehow we arrive at a park. We have about ... 15-20 rolls left or so and decide to decorate the biggest tree in the park. I tell everyone "If a car comes by run that way." as i point to the other side of the park, because i did not want anyone to run straight back to my car because we would be running infront of the cars passing. Someone see's a car coming from the North side, and it was a false alarm. Then as soon as everyone says it's safe, another car comes from the opposite direction and we run to where i said to go. We get about half way and i see the lights of the car approaching and we yell "DUCK" everyone ducks and we see the car clear as day light, it just so happens to be a pig. The moment we see it pass, we run like kenyans after a hamburger. I make sure everyone is with us and we take an alley down to another street to make a circle to our car. We arrive at our car unscaved and the cops have no idea who did it and did not catch us. Mission complete.

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