Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Ah, day 2 of starting again.

So, it's 4:00am on the dot.
I just finished my homework assignment for Anthropology.
I'm not off to a good start so far.
Staying up late, having to wake up in a few hours.
I got to work on time today and browsed through my assortment of emails.
I found out that two of my managers are no longer employed.
Richard, a newer manager was layed off for not making enough sales.
Duc, a guy who's been with the company for a LONG time quit.
I assume the reason for his leaving the company was him not being able to put up with the owner's shit.
I never really realized how much shit they gave him.
Maybe it's because I fail to be important enough for them to talk to me.
Oh well, I hope i don't lose my job.
The mega lotto is at 250,000,000.
I'm going to attempt to play and win, ahaha good luck fag.
I didn't really do much today.

I think I have a crush on a girl who lives far far away.
Average Height
Wears Glasses
Listens to good music
Has an adorable voice
Says funny things
Compliments me
Seems to like me
Lives forever away

I think a girl who is too young for me has fallen for me.
Oddly mature for her age
But yet, still immature
Types with good grammar
Rather tall for her age and ethnicity
Wears clothing i approve of
Underbite? Or Overbite?
Manly voice
Loves koreans
Too young
Lives 30 minutes away

I think a girl who is 21 and has yet to meet me likes me.
Might be chubby?
Blatantly said she likes me
Lives an hour away
Has amazingly cute cousins
Asked me to a party this saturday
I'm too pussy to go
I'm too shy to go
I'm too.. blah to go
I think she's attractive

I think a girl in my econ class is drop dead gorgeous.
Sat in front of me on the second day of class
Sat next to me on the third day of class
I can't stare at her
I think she's good looking
She smells nice
Should I ask her out?
How should i approach her
Hopefully she still sits next to me tomorrow
I think about her a lot

I think a girl who lives in Japan and is 21 is in love with me.
Not understanding
Different time zone
Wants a lot
Does not give a lot
Never seen a good picture of her
Only seen one small pic of her
Talked with her on yahoo once
Unsure of what she wants
Unsure of what i want from her
Scared of what is going to happen

I received my new shoes.
My sister made fun of them.
My dad said they look goddy [cheapy?]
I reinstalled WoW and reactivated my account.
I'm unsure of what the future holds but i'm not excited for it.

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