Friday, August 28, 2009

Pho you.

Today was relatively the same as any other day at work. I arrived at work 2 minutes early. Arin is sitting at the desk watching a movie, and i say hello. We don't speak much to each other because he watches movies, and I just mind my own business, or play a movie/video game. Anyways, I went straight to ACS because I figured Ben was working at LA today. Turns out, he's working in SNA on thursdays so that was alright. Overall boring day, we drove to Garden Grove to get some Pho, which was delish. It was rudely interrupted by the noise of my phone as soon as the pho was set on our table. I look at the caller I.D. and look who it is. Nick.

He asks us where we're at, and I tell him again (I mentioned in IRC that Ben and I were going out to lunch) "We're eating."
So he wastes no time in saying "Oh, well I brought down a switch."
"What do you mean, you brought down a switch? Took one to ACS?"
"No, I mean I accidentally took it down, can you guys get to back to ACS?"
"Umm.. yeah.. uh.. k.."
"Thanks man, see you."

So I put down my phone and begin inhaling the pho. Ben looks at me and asks who called. I told him it was Nick, and he asks "What did he want?" I reply, "He took a switch down, we need to eat fast and get back to ACS, do they have togo bowls or something?" He looks at me with a blank stare and says "No, they don't." And also starts to go at the Pho.

Now, I've only eaten Pho once before this. It was with Michelle. I really didn't think anything of it. It didn't taste that good, just kind of plain. But this pho, boy... It stomped on the first pho I had. I really really really want some more of that. I hated eating it so fast, not being able to savor the flavor. But maybe next time.

So we are on our way to ACS, in my car in which i intrust Ben in driving. He almost hits two cars on the way there, and cuts off at least 10 others. We get to ACS and have to console into the switch. Something I've only done once. We get to the switch and try consoling in with Ben's computer. No good, we sit there for about 20 minutes trying to figure this out. Meanwhile, Nick, being the cool guy he is is sitting 5 minutes away at the office. I only realized he was at the office when we got back to ACS. He should have fucking manned up to his mistake and drove 5 minutes to ACS and fixed it himself. I honestly don't fucking get it. He makes us leave our food because he couldn't drive 10~ miles or less to fix the switch HE FUCKED UP. Some fucking "manager" you are. So it turns out Ben needs the drivers and Joe gives the drivers to him to download. We get the drivers and finally console into the switch. Finally, nick is on his way to ACS to see if he can fix it. Meanwhile, Ben and I try to fix it, but no avail, we can't login. Nick gets there and does everything we tried. He then moves to his last resort. He reaches over and reboots the switch. It's fixed! Ta-da! We go back to our desks and Ben and I want to get more food since we didn't really get a lunch. Nick says okay, and I ask Nick and Jerry if they want anything from Guppy's. None of them had money but still ask for food. They say they'll pay us back, heh let's hope so. On our way out we run into Sreang who also wants something from Guppy's but doesn't have money. We get to Guppy's and order. There's a good amount of people there still, and it's about 10:30. Mostly younger kids, teenagers, high schoolers, college students, etc. 30 minutes later we get our food. Drive back, eat and leave work.

I get home and remember I have to go over to the PBM to meet Greg to pick up the money for the drinks tomorrow. We decide on how to set up the beer pong table, and what drinks, to make sure we have enough money. That seems about it. Toodles.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


The second week of coming back to school and I'm relieved. This weekend should be fun. It's some kids birthday and we're going to have a small kick back at an open house across the street from Greg's house. I looked for that attractive girl in my Econ class today, came in a bit late. Found seating. Scanned the room. And did not see her. Maybe she skipped, I surely hope she hasn't dropped. I left my debit card in the ATM machine and the bank chopped it up and tossed it. I will receive a new one in 3-5 business days and currently have 3 dollars which has to last me til I get my debit. I can't stop listening to Owl City. I returned my amp back to those towel head scumbags. It got fucked up from a badly installed speaker in my car, I guess i'll have to use earbuds and iPod until then. Thinking about buying a new car. Not sure if I should go with it, hopefully I keep this job for a while. Trying to figure out what I want to do with my life and so unsure of what I should do. I have absolutely no direction in life. I need to get a life. It's extremely hot. I'm a little tired. Toodles.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Ah, day 2 of starting again.

So, it's 4:00am on the dot.
I just finished my homework assignment for Anthropology.
I'm not off to a good start so far.
Staying up late, having to wake up in a few hours.
I got to work on time today and browsed through my assortment of emails.
I found out that two of my managers are no longer employed.
Richard, a newer manager was layed off for not making enough sales.
Duc, a guy who's been with the company for a LONG time quit.
I assume the reason for his leaving the company was him not being able to put up with the owner's shit.
I never really realized how much shit they gave him.
Maybe it's because I fail to be important enough for them to talk to me.
Oh well, I hope i don't lose my job.
The mega lotto is at 250,000,000.
I'm going to attempt to play and win, ahaha good luck fag.
I didn't really do much today.

I think I have a crush on a girl who lives far far away.
Average Height
Wears Glasses
Listens to good music
Has an adorable voice
Says funny things
Compliments me
Seems to like me
Lives forever away

I think a girl who is too young for me has fallen for me.
Oddly mature for her age
But yet, still immature
Types with good grammar
Rather tall for her age and ethnicity
Wears clothing i approve of
Underbite? Or Overbite?
Manly voice
Loves koreans
Too young
Lives 30 minutes away

I think a girl who is 21 and has yet to meet me likes me.
Might be chubby?
Blatantly said she likes me
Lives an hour away
Has amazingly cute cousins
Asked me to a party this saturday
I'm too pussy to go
I'm too shy to go
I'm too.. blah to go
I think she's attractive

I think a girl in my econ class is drop dead gorgeous.
Sat in front of me on the second day of class
Sat next to me on the third day of class
I can't stare at her
I think she's good looking
She smells nice
Should I ask her out?
How should i approach her
Hopefully she still sits next to me tomorrow
I think about her a lot

I think a girl who lives in Japan and is 21 is in love with me.
Not understanding
Different time zone
Wants a lot
Does not give a lot
Never seen a good picture of her
Only seen one small pic of her
Talked with her on yahoo once
Unsure of what she wants
Unsure of what i want from her
Scared of what is going to happen

I received my new shoes.
My sister made fun of them.
My dad said they look goddy [cheapy?]
I reinstalled WoW and reactivated my account.
I'm unsure of what the future holds but i'm not excited for it.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Lets start again.

Alright. So I have decided to start this shindig again. Well today I met Jenny for the first time today. Needless to say, I was surprised. This girl, i met her online on She looked pretty cute in her pictures, and we started talking a little bit. I found out she was 12 ._. .. Definitely stepped back a little. I saw a few more pictures of her and still felt she was kind of cute. Talked to her a bit more and she was quite intelligent. A lot smarter than most girls her age. Anyways, she wanted these shitty skullcandy headphones i bought and didn't want, for her birthday. I met up with her today after school and gave them to her. It was kind of depressing because her little brother the awesome third wheel was there. So then it just.. got awkward kind of. It wasn't that great of a first meeting because of that. But oh well. She's tall, a little too tall. Cute though.

Moving on, I've also been at school for a few weeks now and there's this ridiculously cute girl in my econ class. The second day of class she sat in front of me. And today, she sat to the right of me. I don't know what is wrong with me, but i can't even look at her. She's gorgeous though.. I've decided to try something at least. We'll see next class.